Strona Główna » Products » Double-sided lightboxes and pylons
Strona Główna » Products » Double-sided lightboxes and pylons
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Double-sided lightboxes and pylons


Double-sided lightbox is the most popular sign in use along the streets and above doors. It is mounted perpendicularly to the building facade and it’s easily visible from both sides. We illuminate these signboards with special high-power LED modules that provide very good illumination of the graphic design. A wide range of technologies allows for a unique and eye-catching advertisement. Similarly to a one-sided lightbox, double-sided lightbox can have the entire face illuminated or only selected elements of the graphic design.


Pylon is a two-sided, free-standing outdoor advertising medium. There is no limit to the size, which allows you to place any information on it. The supporting structure of the totem is usually made of steel powder coated with a primer or secured with zinc. The body of the pylon is made of a composite board (dibond) or aluminum sheet painted in a chosen RAL color.

With large-sized pylons and double-sided lightboxes, we can offer possibility of a constructor’s project.